Blessing the Carpet

9 Aug 2023 by Raelene Burn in: News
On Sunday 6 August we celebrated the gift of new carpet in our Church ... yes indeed we did 🙂 Here's Rev Mel's lovely prayer of thanks for the workers in our Church family past and present:
Loving and Gracious God!
With gratitude and joy we remember the many people who served you
and gathered for worship in this church in the past.
They prayed, studied Scriptures, worshiped with open hearts,
worked, laughed, grieved and fellowshipped together.
They walked on this floor covered by the old carpet.
Many of them are with You in the Kingdom of God
some of us still on this side of eternity.
For all of their efforts and for everything that they mean to us we give You glory and honour.
Today we pray for ourselves and for those Christians who will follow us
and gather to pray, to study Scriptures, to worship with open hearts,
to work, to laugh, to grieve and to fellowship together in the future.
We pray that the use of this carpet will help them to serve you,
to further your kingdom,
to make disciples
and be your church in the world that you created and gifted to humankind.
We thank you for the men and women who worked tirelessly to raise money for St Andrews
Who served there and now through sale proceeds able to bless us all.
Thank you to the members of MSMT
and Brian our treasurer for navigating Synods rules and regulations to pay for this carpet
and for Raelene and others, who worked on choices, the removal of furniture and things, carpentry, electrical systems,
the laying down, and the logistics of installation, and who installed this carpet successfully .
And then the return of furniture and things.
May all their efforts be pleasing in your eyes dear Lord
In the name of the Father who understood and forgave us,
in the name of the Son who redeemed us on the Cross
and in the name of the Holy Spirit who molds and guides our lives
we dedicate this carpet to God’s service and glory.
The community of Dubbo Uniting Church accepts this carpet as a sacred trust
and will care for it, and use it to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and further God’s Kingdom.
And all the people say AMEN!